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rock devos

Luke 12:35-37a

Rebecca Lightfoot

Because Jesus loves us so very much,The Bible overflows with lessons,instruction,wisdom,discernment,encouragement,and warnings!N Luke 12:35-37a,Jesus gives a Huge Plea that is a combination of encouragement & warning,when He says-“Stay dressed for action,&keep your lamps burning,&be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast,so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes & knocks.Blessed r those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes.”There are multiple perspectives that Jesus is preparing us for! One is for the time that He rises up from His Throne at THE FATHER’S side to return to the Earth in all His Glory.There is another perspective on this for our every day life!Jesus comes to us through His Spirit all the time.Jesus is saying that unless we “stay dressed for action,&be....waiting” so that we can open the door of our heart/life for Him when He knocks,we may not only miss experiencing His Presence in our life,but we may very well miss an opportunity to be blessed beyond measure by having Him call us into some kind of service for The Kingdom!If we r not dressed for action/PREPARED,we will probably miss whatever it is that He is knocking on our hearts/lives for!Whether it be to show/teach us something personally,or to do something through us!BOTH are ginormous BLESSINGS that we most certainly do NOT want to miss!BOTH have the effect on us personally of having our faith n Christ grown/strengthened,and our personal relationship w Christ become deeper...and our TRUST n Christ becomes more significant n our life!We also have more of our “Reality” impacted by THE REALITIES of The Triune God/His Glory/His Righteousness/His Grace/His Mercy& HIS Word!In fact,our “Reality” needs to be always impacted/changed by THE REALITIES mentioned above.If not,our faith n Christ & our dependence on Christ will wane,as we become increasingly distant from knowing THE REALITIES above n our life,& we will seldom have the JOY of knowing His Presence n our life.We will also wonder why others have many stories to tell of how The Lord used them...& we seldom do.Dear Lord,awake me every day w this reminder to “get dressed/PREPARED & to keep The Lamp of Your Word&Spirit lit n my heart/life.Show me/teach me how to do this everyday.Even though I may start the day dressed&lit the right way,daily “stuff” tends to change the way I dressed n the morning,and even blow out the flame of Your Word&Spirit n my life/heart.Forgive me for allowing this to happen,& by Your Mercies&Graces...let it not b today!May the power of Your Spirit keep me dressed&lit rightly throughout my day.