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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

All around us, there are signs and wonders of God's presence and activity in our world, in our lives, and throughout all history. Yet, very few let these evidences impact their lives in such a way that our trust is placed in The Lord, tangibly...with life changing impact. This is exactly what had happened in Rahab's life, in chapter 2 of Joshua. The inhabitants of Jericho had all heard and seen the same things that Rahab describes in Joshua 2:8-11 (evidences of the awesomeness of The Lord).  But, out of the entire population of Jericho, Rahab and her family are the only people that let these "evidences" for God being WHO He says He is...change there hearts to trust and follow The Lord. Her reliance is in/on The Lord...totally! Even though her life is put at severe risk, she places her life (and that of her family) into The Lord's Hands! This trust means that she and her family are to be uprooted and leave everything that they know...and place their lives in a trust that no one around them is turning to. Really trusting The Lord (tangibly and with life impact) will mean the same for us. Most of the time in much less significant ways, but no less important. Trusting The Lord will always mean that we have "daily adjustments" in our lives at the very least...testing our own hearts to see what we are "trusting". Every day of our lives we have many "moments" that define our personal "trusts". I need The Lord's help to know these,  and to have my heart moved as strongly as Rahab's heart was moved by the "signs/moments" in her life.