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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

It is said that we tend to think and act like we will live forever. Truth is, we will! And what we choose to REALLY BELIEVE in this life will determine our “forever life”! What we REALLY BELIEVE is revealed by how we think and live in our daily comings & goings, & what we do in the secret places of our heart & mind. George Barna wrote a book called “Maximum Faith” several years ago that stated less that 5% of those claiming to be Christian have lives that would reflect that  they REALLY BELIEVED the Words of Christ/and The Gospel of Christ, & thereby “convict them” of truly being Christians!. As humans we can have a disconnect with what we claim to believe and what we LIVE BY - what we truly worship/what we truly believe! We can say we believe in lots of things, but what we TRULY BELIEVE IN is revealed by what we think, what we do, and what we plan for. These reveal what is TRULY in our hearts...what we have chosen to occupy our heart! When every person to be born has been born, & Satan, the beast, & the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire & brimstone in forever torment, we will all be judged by Almighty God “according to our deeds” to determine where we will live forever->Revelation20:7-15,”...& the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire & brimstone...And I saw a great white throne and HIM who sat upon it....And I saw the dead, the great and the small before the throne...& the dead were judged...according to their deeds”. God is not saying that we will judged to see if our good outweighs our bad. HE is telling us that the only thing that will save us from the same judgement as the devil is our grabbing onto HIS Gift of Mercy through Christ, just as the one thief on a cross next to Jesus grabbed on to God’s Mercy through Christ just moments before he died. This thief had no time to do more good so he could “outweigh” all the bad he had done in his life....he did take a last opportunity to grab on to Jesus’ Gift of Mercy as his last breath approached, and his last actions and words were true indicators of him grabbing Jesus’ Gift and planting IT forever in his heart. The LORD says that it is what’s in our heart that matters. HIS judgement is Righteous & Just because HE looks to see what evidence there is in our lives that indicate what is truly in our hearts->whether or not we truly grabbed the free gift of God’s Mercy through Christ and took HIS Mercy into our heart,& made THIS GIFT the new CORE of who & what we are, or not. If we do, this GIFT slowly changes us from the inside out, as this GIFT grows, just as a seed grows into crop as it takes root and is nourished, watered, & protected. The thief next to Jesus had no time for much growth, but the time he did have were overwhelming evidence of HIS Belief in/Faith in Christ alone for his eternal salvation! These verses in Revelation 20:7-15 call us to be mindful of what our lives/our deeds indicate as to what is truly residing in our hearts. Is the Seed of God’s Spirit & Word living & growing in my heart? Or is the way I am thinking and living indicating that there is something in my heart challenging the Seed of God’s Spirit & Word in my life? Dear Jesus, I know for certain there are many things in the way I think and live that indicate there are things in my heart that do not line up with Your Word, nor Your Spirit. Thank You for the patient way You offer to help me with these, & I pray for this help, & I praise You for Your Spirit’s Help, & Your never failing Love and Patience with me. I pray for my heart to have the seed of YOUR GOSPEL grow so that everything I think, plan, dream, and do is changed more and more to be as YOU would think, plan, dream and do in my life…