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rock devos

John 17

Rebecca Lightfoot

One of the most significant prayers of ALL TIME can b read n less than 3 minutes.John17 captures this prayer,which is also the longest recorded prayer of Jesus!1st thing this makes me realize is how many times I have not gone to The Lord n prayer because I thought I didn’t have enough to say,or my “list” was was too short & I needed to “wait” to have more to talk w The Lord about....that I needed “more material” before God would “give me an audience” b4 His Throne...that my prayer would not b eloquent enough,etc.Jesus dispels this with His models of prayer.At a “moments notice” we see Jesus turning to God The Father n brief prayers,with issues that were on his heart at that moment.This indicates an intimate relationship w God The Father that made Jesus’ “brief praying” significant.How did Jesus,God Incarnate,have this kind of intimacy w The Father?There r prayers&times that Jesus went someplace to have personal time w  The Father where the intimacy between Father-Son-Spirit were nurtured by Jesus,God Incarnate(Matthew4:1,”...Jesus was led by the Spirit n2 the wilderness....fasting 40 days & 40 nights..”Matt4:42,”At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place.”Mark1:35,”And rising very early n the morning,while still dark,he(Jesus)departed & went out 2 a desolate place.&there he prayed.”Mark6:15,”...Jesus again withdrew to the mountain by himself.”And when Jesus went n2 The Garden of Gethsemane to pray).Jesus sets the example for a life that feels secure n coming to Our Father God to talk about what’s on our heart-secure n a personal relationship w God that enables us 2 come 2 HIM as a child comes to their earthly father.So the 2nd thing this makes me realize is that I am either not having the kind of “quality time” w God that Jesus models for us,or I am letting something come between me and the Love that my Father n Heaven has for me(the Love that would never turn me away!),the Love that is always pleased w me climbing up into HIS LAP carrying what is heavy on my heart at that moment.Dear Lord,I want Your I will always have a childlike security&confidence n coming to YOU as my Father n Heaven.Draw me to significant personal times with You that nurture this n my life,& help me to know the true desires of my heart that only You can speak w me about at any moment...that You want me to crawl up n2 Your Lap of Prayer w, at any moment.